Despite my earlier posts, my search for discipline seems to, to all intent and purposes, to remain ranked low in my phyche. Why?, well because today I succumbed to it yet again.
As I am not planning to start trading until 20th April, I've enjoyed watching the racing and having a flutter, and like any one who has a bet, my luck allocation seems, at times, to be a little out of kilter with what apparently seems to be countless seconds. I even had my first ever blank Cheltenham Festival, as for a bit of interest this year, I backed everyone of Chocolate Thornton's and Russell Johnson's rides and they didn't have a winner between them in the four days!!
Anyway, today was William Hill Lincoln day and this is one of those races where I have never backed the winner, but undeterred I had a bet as well as a few other bets on the other TV races. It then started happening again, my horses were getting placed but not winning, and I was a few quid down and doing a bit of cursing so come the Lincoln, I backed Zaahid and laid Expresso Star. You've guessed it - Expresso Star won and Zaahid came second.
Not a happy bunny!
Indiscipline you see! I've said to myself countless times not to lay horses as they invariably win. I had a stint on Betfair around three years ago where I used to lay horses in the televised races, and I never made any money, in fact I ended up down as even in the trickiest of handicaps, I always used to find that no mater how many prices I offered up, I always seem to lay the winner. There might be 16 runners in the race and I'd take bets on 5 or 6 of them, but you could almost guarantee that one of the 6 would win. So why did I lay Expresso Star today?
I laid it because I was frustrated at things not going right, so I opted for indiscipline, and so laid a horse despite me promising myself that I wouldn't lay to chase, and now I'm angry, not only at the loss I suffered, but my lack of discipline - again!
Now - Where is that place again Kwai Chang Caine?..................Do you have directions?.............Is it on the new street view on Google?..........
Half-Term Report
2 weeks ago